With Toros Workman HDX Auto, you can do everything you currently do with any other Workman utility vehicle plus one thing you cant: put an operator who doesnt drive a manual transmission at the wheel. That opens up a lot of opportunities for your fleet and your workforce to do more with one machine.
Top Line Thinking
Serving customers is job number one to keep your revenues on track so turf that looks and plays its best is essential. The Workman HDX Auto helps minimize turf damage that can occur when stopping and starting a fully loaded vehicle on a side hill, since theres no clutch pedal to engage. The days of slipping tires as you let out a clutch are gone. Its so gentle, it can handle the payload of a fully burdened topdresser yet still be driven over the green.
In addition, the HDX Autos automatic transmission makes it possible to achieve precise application rates with a bed-mounted sprayer or topdresser, thanks to Toros proprietary SpeedContrl feature. Simply select the correct position on the SpeedContrl and youre set. You can put your foot to the floor and maintain consistent speed over undulating fairways and hills.
Bottom Line Thinking
The benefit of an automatic transmission is obvious: You dont have to invest extra time and money to train new operators how to drive a manual transmission. Once theyre familiar with the Workmans functions, theyre basically ready to go. Even less experienced operators can be more active doing jobs you couldnt have them do with a manual transmission vehicle
In addition, the HDX Autos power, size, payload and towing capacity are the same as other heavy-duty Workman models. You can do everything you currently do with your other models no sacrifices and no limitations. Your staff can jump in and switch from Workman to Workman without a big adjustment or learning curve. And you dont have to pay a premium for the automatic transmission feature.
Real World Thinking
During tournament time or any event where you need all hands on deck, you need to use every resource. Since the HDX Auto doesnt require an operator who can drive a manual transmission, it puts another vehicle at your disposal allowing your staff to get more work done in less time.
Safety is another area where the HDX Auto is an advantage. It can be a safer option for operators who arent used to a manual transmission especially when they need to hit the brakes for unexpected hazards when they turn a corner or come up over a hill.
By expanding your fleet management options, the Workman HDX Auto helps you maximize your investment without giving up the power or capabilities of a manual transmission vehicle. It features an efficient electronic fuel injection (EFI) engine and offers travel speeds of 11 mph in low range and 20 mph in high range, as well as a total payload capacity of 3,295 lbs and a towing capacity of 3,500 lbs. A true on-demand four-wheel-drive option and a wide variety of accessories are available to fit your needs. For complete details, see your local Toro distributor or visit toro.com.