What education topics are important to golf course owners and operators right now? What major challenges do they face today? How will courses approach generating demand in the future?

These are a few of the questions we asked Jay Karen, CEO of the National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA) in this video interview. He also touches on how corporate members like Toro and other companies help support golf course owners and operators — not only through their involvement in NGCOA but also by pushing business practices and technologies forward in the marketplace.

The NGCOA has represented golf course owners and operators since 1979, offering education, advocacy and more. The nonprofit organization’s main focus is promoting the health of the business — whether it’s a resort, a private club, a daily-fee golf course or a municipal facility.

“Jay Karen

For more information, visit ngcoa.org or check out the NGCOA magazine’s website at golfbusiness.com. Jay Karen also posts regularly about current industry topics on social media and in his blog at perspective.ngcoa.org.